Edward Snowden: “I Just Hope They Make a Movie About Me”

Snowden made a point to note that whoever plays him in the film need not be bearded or wear glasses.

Snowden, pictured, made a point to note that whoever plays him in the film need not be bearded or wear glasses.

HONG KONG — In a Sunday interview with The Guardian it was revealed that Edward Snowden, the 29-year-old NSA whistleblower, believes that the only way his actions will be validated is if a feature film based on his experience is released.

The statement was made in response to the question, “What do you hope to achieve with your actions?”

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Aquaman Eagerly Awaits Big Screen Adaptation

AquamanLOS ANGELES, CA — As Iron Man 3 makes its US premiere today, super hero movies are more ubiquitous than ever. Marvel Studios will be releasing at least 8 films over the next two years, and the Superman reboot has already been given an Oscar based on its trailer alone.

Unfortunately, one superhero has been left out of all the filmscreen fervor.

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