Tip-Offs About NSA Scandals Came From Obama

Obama!AMERICA, FKA LAND OF THE FREE — This week saw two revelations about the National Security Agency surface in succession. First, on Wednesday, The Guardian reported that the NSA has been collecting information on all of Verizon’s customers on an “ongoing, daily basis” since April. The very next day, the Washington Post reported that the NSA, along with the FBI, has been tapping into the servers of nine U.S. Internet companies and extracting everything from emails to video chats.

Today, it was revealed that the tip-off for both of those stories came from an unlikely source: President Barack Obama.

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Obama Sends Out Email Asking, “Anything Else?”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Members of more than 300 federal agencies and departments received an email from the President late last night with the subject line “Anything Else?”

The body of the email, which rambled off-topic at points and included several spelling and grammatical errors, asked federal employees if anyone had “any more bullshit up [their] pant legs [they] need to shake out.”

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